Footfall Insights in Retail

Monitor and Measure customer footfall with smart retail framework in

Mobile Stores

Mobile Stores

Super Markets

Super Markets

Shopping Malls

Shopping Malls

Retail Chains and Outlets

Retail Chains and Outlets

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eNoah Smart Retail Solution

Smart Retail Solution with SAP Business One helps retailers manage all their resources and customers, making their business more profitable.

It provides valuable insights by leveraging Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence by integrating CCTV camera and SAP Business One DxT framework.

eNoah Smart Retail Solution

Solution Details

‘SMART RETAIL’ solution provides valuable results mainly by integrating the input of the camera (sensory equipment) with SAP Business One Digital Transformation Platform. It consists of important features such as:

Footfall Conversion
Footfall Conversion

It helps to track the headcount, i.e., number of customers who walk in to the store as well as number of recorded transactions. With the help of RFID integration, this application can accurately track the number of customers and employees.

Gender identification
Gender identification

It Identifies gender of the customer who steps in to the store.

Age Classification
Age Classification

It identifies age of the walk-in customers and classify them under different age groups.

Emotion Detection
Emotion Detection

By tracking the customer’s face, it can very well capture their emotions when they step in/step out, which helps the retailers to find customer satisfaction levels.

Face Recognition
Face Recognition

With the help of captured customer’s face, system can provide purchase history (if available) of that particular customer which enables the retailer to serve them as per their preference.

Report Generation
Report Generation

It generates various analytical reports offering useful insights to store owners related to all their customers, products and employees. This enables them to plan proactively for running effective campaigns that can improve business.

Retail Analytics

Retail Analytics

“SMART RETAIL”, which plays a vital role in helping retailers manage all their resources as well as customers, making their business more effective.

Track headcount of walk-in-customers
Track headcount of walk-in-customers
Track product popularity in particular branch
Track product popularity in particular branch
Identify level of customer satisfaction
Identify level of customer satisfaction
Measure productivity of employees
Measure productivity of employees
Track store-wise conversion rate
Track store-wise conversion rate

Digital Transformation - The Best In The Industry

eNoah is an industry leader who enables digital transformation with latest technologies for customers
