The largest APS Retrieval Company in the United States wanted to improve their APS turnaround time and to provide accurate Status of Medical Records. Due to diversified operations, the company had unsatisfied Insurance carriers. They required immediate transition of existing processes for better control and improved customer satisfaction. The company was under pressure to centralize operations within a short time frame to reduce time and cost challenges. They believed that centralized operations would significantly improve the process and decrease turnaround time for retrieving records resulting in happy clients for them. The irregularities during process handling were identified as critical. There were conflicting statuses about the current state of requests, which stressed the need of process control. There were several instances of not adequately stressing the purpose for record retrieval, due to which responses from facilities were relatively poor. The problem was much higher when there were many requests which could not be fully addressed, due to increase in volumes on specified days during the week. The company was keen to overcome this huge challenge and centralize operations by outsourcing the process of Record Retrieval. They wanted to immediately bring on board a single provider to address the Migration Process to deal with their growing list of unsatisfied Insurance carriers. The same challenges and needs as APS Summarization were encountered here as well:This involved the provider understanding the process ,then developing a robust process flow and standard training tool for knowledge transfer. The challenges they had hitherto encountered in the Migration Process were: