Take your business to the next level with eNoah’s innovative cloud computing services. Leverage the expertise of certified developers with years of hands-on experience to create new cloud solutions that integrate seamlessly with your business processes. Our solutions are flexible, automated, and secure, and you can use our cloud-based environments to scale both vertically and horizontally.
Infrastructure as a Service, or IaaS, gives you the basic building blocks of cloud IT. IaaS provides access to networking features, computers, and data storage space, giving you the highest level of flexibility and control over your IT resources.
Platform as a Service, or PaaS, lets you focus on application deployment and management without worrying about resource procurement, capacity planning, software maintenance, or any of the other heavy lifting involved in setting up an application.
Software as a Service, or SaaS, provides a completed product that is run and managed by the service provider, enabling you to focus on how to use a particular piece of software without having to maintain the underlying infrastructure.
Cloud Migration brings your legacy on-premise assets into the cloud environment. This includes capacity planning, migration methodology, impact analysis, and application testing and reengineering.
Our versatile array of Cloud Infrastructure and Server Management services provide a framework for the seamless management of workloads in hybrid environments and enable you to integrate software development with operations.
Keep tabs on your system with alarms and Simple Email Services (SES). We can help to manage Data Center Operations and set up disaster recovery for databases and EC2 servers.
eNoah is a reputed industry leader offering cutting-edge IT and business process support services around the world. We have a 1,200-man team, a global presence, and over 17 years of experience across various industries:
Our cloud computing support services are tailored to meet our clients’ unique requirements. You have complete control over the deployment of your cloud infrastructure, which means you can choose the ownership, size, and access that you need.
Our cloud computing services enable you to expand the scope of your business by setting up a virtual environment that you can access anywhere, anytime.