


An intranet interface is a gateway that unifies access to corporate data, enables effective communication among employees and provides rich collaboration features. eNoah’s eConnect is a sharp and strategic Business Portal Application which offers you a secure web-based framework of information and custom web applications designed to meet your individual requirements (Intranet and Extranet software) Our eConnect solution is a unique interface that decreases the learning curve of your company’s new trainees or employees, decreases the need for costly proprietary software upgrades at the desktop and provides a consistent look and feel to all your business applications.

eNoah’s eConnect helps you manage files, applications, information and business processes more easily, and through personalized views. It acts as a one stop shop for all employee transactions within the organization. eConnect brings in awareness about the Quality, policies and procedure of your organization and is a major source of knowledge sharing.

eConnect also significantly reduces your high paper printing, distribution and costs – particularly on policy manuals, company newsletters, product catalogs, technical drawings, training material, and telephone directories. eConnect expands communication functions beyond enriching your company and extends our solution to your valued customers and partners.

eConnect covers the entire trajectory of an employee’s life cycle at an organization right from Applicant stage to Alumni. eConnect has a solid architecture and its well defined .NET framework and SOA provide virtually unlimited development and integration opportunities for SME’s. You will have unlimited flexibility to scale and customize at a very reasonable cost.

eConnect works along with your existing IT infrastructure and allows you to consolidate scattered data from different sources. You enjoy a seamless integration with Active Directory/LDAP and compatibility with virtual environments.

eConnect Features

Digital dashboard

  • eConnect’s dashboard lets you display key status indicators for several business processes and systems on a single screen, giving the user a quick overview of the overall status and allowing rapid identification of the problems. Digital dashboards offer an opportunity for executives to get a complete view of the overall landscape of the organization, including portions of the organization that cannot be reduced to a set of key performance indicators. Web-based, which means there is a minimal delay in messages reaching their target and communication can take place over large distances. Compared with off-line media such as paper documents and CD-ROMs, content can be updated centrally and immediately made available to all users.

Employee Hub

  • eConnect provides a way for employees to gain better access to time-sensitive information. eConnect ends the paper trail of many office applications. Now that information is published on the portal instead of printed on a company newsletter, the employee can make informed decisions faster. Rich employee profiles provide an immediate snapshot of each employee, their department, and position, contact details, personal information, pending tasks, work group participation, absence announcements, and public calendar.

Policies & Procedures

  • Your employees hold the keys to most of the information in your organization. Portals provide a repository for the information that employees have developed through experience. Portals help to broaden the utility or leverage of knowledge that the organization already possesses. eConnect’s Intranet quickly converts company newbies into well-informed pros. They can rapidly learn procedures and rules, see colleagues’ profiles and get a proper understanding of the company’s hierarchy structure and business nuances with the personnel and official document directory. A centralized document management system is built right into the intranet software. eConnect has an easy-to-use Document & Policies management which is a robust tool that puts all of your company documents, policies, and manuals in one place.

My Portal

  • eConnect enables a deeper insight of your business performance and provides a new level of business transparency. eConnect provides a cost effective eco-friendly approach towards employee requisition. Employees can request/apply for leave, not-in-office, travel and infrastructure support through eConnect and seek approval from their supervisors/managers who may be located in a different country or state. eConnect functions as a perfect tool to track employee absences within a click which increases transparency among HR and various departments.

Infrastructure Support Desk

  • For organizations that require a centralized ticket tracking system on the intranet, eConnect’s Infrastructure Support Desk enables you to reduce time, streamline issues, track updates and resolutions and report on the history of a user request

Time Sheet Tracker

  • With a number of click-away features and customized personal KPIs on eConnect, you get immediate reporting and instant insight. Through eConnect companies can easily view who is in and out, and track performance and attendance efficiently.

Travel Management

  • eConnect provides a new and improved Travel Request Self Service page that is fully functional for Domestic and International travel requests.


  • eConnect’s HR portal is a central repository for your organization’s Employee Directory (includes personal profiles). A powerful built-in HR tool that enables job posting, allowing HR to easily submit and advertise new job openings to the intranet, eConnect allows HR recruiters to post online job posting, and Web-based forms for employees to refer their friends. eConnect provides a forum for an innovative and high-performance work culture that provides significant learning and career development opportunities.It does this by featuring an Awards and Recognition Highlight section that helps employees to view the Awardees of the Month.It also provides a scalable backend CMS for HR to upload the information of the Awardees on a regular basis.

Knowledge Repository

  • Like all intranet core and social tools, users decide who can view, add, edit and delete content within the applications. On eConnect, Special user permission is provided which helps with approving content and making monitor workflow contributions a lot easier. With added scalable features such as versioning, check-in/checkout, role-based permissions, multiple file upload and content approval, the key requirement of Document Management is also covered.

Photo Album

  • With eConnect’s Photo Albums, it’s a snap to get your company photos and videos onto the intranet to share with co-workers. Create unlimited online albums. Add titles, captions, notes, copyright and other metadata information for searching on photos and images. Photos and graphics will automatically be re-sized on the fly to create thumbnail views, and employees can rate and comment on photos.

Project Space

  • eConnect’s dashboard driven tool gives a snapshot of the organization’s Clients and Projects that are in the pipeline. Client wise project segregation can be made with category specifications on cost or profit. Information on Task Management with Percentage of Resource Allocation per project maximizes your employees’ knowledge and action efficiency. As a result, mission-critical decisions are made quickly.

CRM Site

  • eConnect’s CRM Site is a unique subsite of the intranet. It is an operational CRM which includes methodologies, technologies, and capabilities to manage a good relationship with your customers. An operational CRM supports the front office business activities such as Sales and Customer Contacts. Sales and Service personnel of your organization can access the complete history of your customers to provide better services with our comprehensive reporting tool and sales force automation.

Instant Messaging

  • You can engage employees with eConnect’s Instant Messaging feature. A quick launch to chat is provided on everyone’s profile, so employees can search the employee directory to tap knowledge from anyone online. As you navigate through the intranet, click on a publisher’s name to bring up their profile and chat about their content. Chat is a great corporate tool for speedy engagement and task-oriented conversation for quick outcomes.

eConnect Benefits

Consistent, easy-to-use interface: Portals typically have a consistent interface which flows from the home page down through every area of the portal. The interface is typically designed to make the portal user-friendly.This includes hovering menus, which allows for an expanded list of links.


eConnect provides the tools necessary to facilitate better collaboration. This includes the presence of information to help identify when co-workers are available or lists to help organize tasks, events, and announcements.

Other Key Benefits

  • Easy to set up and administer
  • Open Architecture
  • Universal Interface
  • Inexpensive
  • Connects all operating system platforms
  • Cost effective
  • Faster access to information
  • Better Decision-making
  • Build and share knowledge
  • On-line job postings
  • Career Development and training
  • On-line employment directories
  • Search engines to gather market research
  • Sales tracking and reporting
  • Maximize employee efficiency
  • Improve decision-making
  • Monitor performance
  • Maintain enterprise-wide time management

Why eNoah?

eConnect is a Solution that goes beyond mere implementation. It looks at reducing your Total Cost of Operation while increasing your Returns On Investment at the same time. eConnect emphasizes simplicity out-of-the-box and flexibility to meet your needs.

18+ Years of Experience

Global Presence

Good Decision-Making Insights

Reduce Time to Market

Powerful Collaboration Tools

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